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    Parking Lot Bingo

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Where And When To Play

    Where and when can I play the Parking Lot Bingo?

    In the Parking lot of Classic 3 bingo now Power Play Gaming Centre, 13320 Desro Dr, Tecumseh.

    Starting Sunday, June 13th, 2021.

    Parking Lot sales begin at 11:30 am.


    Parking Lot Bingo Package

    What is included in my $60.00 Parking Lot Bingo Package?

    • (1) Triple book along with 2 extra cards for the Jackpot.
    • (1) Bingo Dabber
    • (1) Black Board to dab your cards on
    • 1 format that has the prizes and designated numbers and rules of play on it
    • 1 bag to dispose of your dabbed products

    Where can I buy?

    Each person must purchase a minimum of 1 – $60.00 package. If desired, you can purchase more than 1 package. The package includes everything you need to play all games. There will be no additional sales during the session.

    Would I be able to keep up with purchasing 2 packages?

    The session will be called at the same speed as bingo indoors.

    Can I buy extra cards?


    Can I make my purchase ahead of time?

    No. Not at this time.

    Can I use debit?


    Will the ATM be available?

    Not in our facility so make sure to bring your cash with you.

    I have a gift certificate, will it be accepted?



    How do I get paid?

    Once your card has been validated a staff member will come to your vehicle to perform the payout.


    Can I reserve my parking spot?


    Where do I park?

    From Manning road turn down Desro Dr. and drive to the second driveway of Power Play.

    From there we will have staff members to guide you towards sales of the packages where you can purchase. You will be assigned a designated parking space by one of the staff.

    Game Logistics

    How do I hear the caller?

    Tune in to FM station 92.1, as this is where the communication for the game occurs.

    Where is the caller?

    The caller will be on the stage inside the centre.

    How do I stop the game?

    HONK YOUR HORN AND FLASH YOUR LIGHTS! There will be 4-5 staff in the parking lot area who will communicate directly with the caller inside. Staff members will have on florescent yellow hats.

    What happens if my radio does not work?

    We suggest bringing an FM radio from home.

    I don’t drive can I play?

    Unfortunately no, you will need to be in a vehicle to participate in Parking Lot Bingo.

    Can I bring a lawn chair to play?


    Can I come on a motorcycle/bicycle?

    As long as you stay on your motorcycle/bicycle and have an FM radio.

    COVID-19 Guidelines

    Do I have to stay in my car?

    Yes, due to Covid- 19 you must stay inside your vehicle for the entire event unless you need to use the restrooms.

    Do I have to wear a mask?

    We suggest that you should wear a mask anytime there is contact with someone from outside your vehicle.


    What if I need to use the Restroom?

    You can get out of your car and make your way to the right side entrance of the building. An attendant will be there to guide you through the facility to use the Restroom.

    Is there going to be a 5-minute break?


    Can I get something to eat or drink?

    Unfortunately at this time, we are not allowed to sell food or beverages at this time. Feel free to bring goodies and snacks with you for your enjoyment in your vehicle.